Tuesday, September 29, 2009

5 Days Post Op

I slept last night! I actually slept! And then I went back to sleep after my middle of the night drugs! I'm so much better rested today I cannot tell you! And waking to my Mom? Who has probably the entire energy of the sun inside her body first thing in the the morning - all smiles and "Good Mornings!" and hugs? Gotta say it's a really nice way to start the day.

I was bad today. I might have, uh... I might have done some balance exercises on the Wii Fit. But only one game of table tilt. And the uh, balance testing thingies, but they really only move your ass and your thighs - I didn't go crazy. And nobody can David or he will tie me to the sofa. My Mom laughed because her Wii Fit age was a year younger than mine. She too, is addicted to the Wii and was kind enough to let Rissa design her Mii for her.

Went a little further in my morning walk - to the first fire hydrant today. My Mom holds my arm and I hold my tummy and remain slightly hunched over. Since the surgery I have been wearing an electric blue nightie-type thing that goes down to just above the knee - very loose in the skirt so that you can hardly see the drain. Under that I have a teal-coloured tank top so that my electric blue nightie-type thing doesn't expose too much of the bodacious tatas. I am wearing a pair of turquoise and yellow striped socks that go to the knees with little pink bows on the outside, black ballet slippers, a turquoise cardigan and to go outside so that when the wind hits I don't show all of my street my nether regions (because really, panties are WAY to awkward for me yet) I am wearing a black pair of culotte type pants. My style today: Colourful bad lady. I'm thinking of starting a line of clothing.

I shaved my armpits at the sink today - couldn't stand it any longer. I'm going to beg my Mom to wash my hair at the kitchen sink today. She's out right now food shopping for dinner (she's making fish! YAY!) and getting me some gingerale that I can flatten because my tummy's still a little bit woobly and some peanut butter because, well, we're out of peanut butter and I really like it on toast. We've been watching more of Grey's Anatomy, both of us bawling our eyes out. One tissue box in the room that I have to throw over to her after I grab my own so that I can blow my nose without engaging any core muscles.

I have the best friends in the world who have sent over food and have commiserated with me, sent me great emails and comments. Tonight two friends are coming over for a girls' night - I think that I might force them to watch An Affair to Remember with me and we can all cry.

Day 5 is better than Day 4 - but I'll try to retain my sanity and not think "I have the strength of the Bionic Woman!" so that I don't ruin the progress that I am making. And although my energy level is a bit better, my lower back is sore from the hunching over, so I'm not standing for too long at a stretch. The middle part of my stomach under the binder seems like it's swollen - I'm probably holding onto a little fluid because yesterday I really enjoyed my rice chips with all the extra salt. Have no idea what the stomach really truly looks like under everything at this point because frankly, the binder feels good on there and I don't want to jinx anything. I am finding that we have to pretty much adjust the binder once a day to make sure that it's not sliding up. My hips aren't as bruised from the the liposuction - now it just feels like I've been bouncing off the corner of the countertop in the kitchen. Maybe, just maybe I might be able to lie on my side today for a nap! YAY!




  1. Oh Heather! that's all such great news! you're going to be good as new.. wait, better than new... in no time!
    love love

  2. Interesting blog! I think that surgery is best if you want a lasting result. A tummy tuck is a better option. When completely healed (full recovery can take about six weeks), the stomach area will be firmer, the abdominal muscles tighter, and the contour of the belly restored.

    Tummy Tuck Philippines
